Faust Symphony

          Talk:  Who is Faust?  (10:00)       

        A Faust Symphony in three character pictures (Faust Symphony)  (premiered 1858)

                          Boston Symphony Orchestra, Leonard Bernstein, cond. 

                                 Movement 1:  Faust  (30:00)

                                 Movement 2:  Gretchen  (23:00)

                                 Movement 3:  Mephistopheles  (24:00) 

               NOTE:  The name Mephistopheles is associated with the Faust legend of a scholar, 
                              based on the historical Johann Georg Faust.  In the legend, Faust makes a 
                              deal with the devil at the price of his soul, Mephistopheles acting as the 
                              devil's agent.

         Article 1 - College paper

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